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Review - Bound ( New Life # 2) -Samantha Jacobey

Book:  Bound ( New Life # 2)  
Author:  Samantha Jacobey
Publication Date: 3/15/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars

In this book Tori finds herself being sent to a halfway  house  in LA of all places. She has severe panic issues on her very first plane ride. Many things fall into place for Tori while she is in LA. She has a job at a Guitar/Music shop which she is really enjoying and she even takes a leap and begins wearing short sleeve shirts. However there is a new member at the halfway house and it’s someone Tori knows from her past. They become involved and Enrique decides to come clean with Tori and then is forced to leave town. Poor Tori it seems there is no happily ever after for her. She has no idea what happened to Eli either. 
And yes there is a SHOCKER at the end !!!

Fantastic continuing story in the life of Tori .. I am ready to read the next book

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