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Book & PR Services

First and foremost I never CHARGE to simply share a book or post for an author!! However, there are other services I do offer, they are more time demanding, and I do have fees for those. I offer Blitz's. What is that you ask? There are Release, Sales, Book Blitz and Cover Reveals this is where you can choose a promotion posting for 1 or 3 days. During this time your book will be shared on various social media sites by myself and anyone who agrees to share.

min 20 postings - 1 Day Cover Reveal - $30
min 20 postings - 1 Day Blitz - $40
min 20 postings - 3-Day Blitz - $50

Unless on a special deal
Multiple authors/and or books additional $$

**Postings can be from a blog or social media pages such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Groups, or other social media platforms.

  • All graphics (Book Cover), book links, and author links must be sent to me 5 days before a posting.

*I will provide a banner and teaser for the posting.
(Author may send their own graphics for posting if they prefer)

All tour/release banners will have my logo on them for bloggers to share

Unfortunately, as much as we try to control everything, there are certain things even we can’t change. For example, I can NOT guarantee sales.

Monthly Book Promoting Service

Option 1- $30 a month: Post in 3+ groups & pages 1x week and mention in my NL 1x a month
This option can be paid up to 6 months in advance.

Option 2- $45 a month: Post in 4+ groups & pages 3+ times a week, my newsletter weekly.
This option can be paid up to 6 months in advance.

The book postings can include your backlist also. I just ask that you send me a link to your books so I can see what needs more focus, and things like that. It also would be nice if you emailed me monthly with books you would like me to focus on.

**This service is not affiliated with any other service I offer.

The fee above is not for Blitz or any other promotion.

All graphics (Book Cover), book links, and author links must be sent to me if you use specific links if not I will make a books2read link.

Payment is to be made in advance and runs month to month unless you decide to cancel at which time the invoicing will stop. I do not give contracts it's all month to month.

By enlisting Book Nook Nuts, authors understand that they are paying for the digital promotion of a product. This consists of blitzes', releases, and reveals.

Book Nook Nuts does not offer review services at this time. I will give 100% to those who ask for my help in promoting their book/books. I can not guarantee any other blog/page promoting authors' work.

Testimonials from Authors who use Book Nook Nuts

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