

Proofreading Info/Pricing



Tammy offers professional proofreading at an affordable rate.

I have been proofreading for authors since 2014.
As an author, your book is your baby. 
Why take the risk of it having grammar issues or typos? 
Editors can miss the small things, and Beta Readers may not always be forthcoming with issues they see. 

Did you know a proofreader can find those missing words or typos? 
And it's important to ensure you publish the best book you can. 

Proofreading is the final step in the editing process, focusing on surface errors such as misspellings and mistakes in grammar and missing words is what I do. 
I will not edit your work, I will, however, make suggestions if something doesn't sound right. 

I have testimonials as well. 
Take a look at the tabs above under Proofreading Info/Pricing.
I think it's worth that final process. Do You?

A proofread from me includes:
Correction of typos
Addition/deletion of missing/repeat words
Grammar, and spelling check

I should be your last stop after editing. 
I do not do editing.

Minimum charge: $20.00
Even if I find no issues with your manuscript,

Proofread Pricing if already edited. 
$1.00 per every 1,000 words

Because this may take me a longer time
$1.50 per every 1, 000 words

Up to 20k ~ $20

Turn Around: I typically can handle up to 40k within 2-3 days however that all depends on when I receive the book. Please let me know during contact when you need your manuscript back by and I will try to help you. 

Faster Turnaround & Last Minute is $2.00 per every 1,000 words if edited already!!

I am not a Content Editor or a Developmental Editor...

Payment Methods:
(Preferred) PayPal

Due upon invoice
I use Track Changes
Your manuscript should be in a Word Doc.

No one is 100%, and I do not claim to be.
I am human so I do make mistakes too.
But I will always do my very best. 

I will happily share any book/books I proofread or edit. 
I simply ask that the author provide me with the book links and cover.

Contact Me 


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