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Interview with Juan, Noah and Peppa from Rock The Viper by Author Sammi J

Lets all welcome to the Leisure Lounge the stars of 
Rock The Viper 
By Author Sammi J 

Please have a seat Gentlemen and Lady and we will begin the interview. 
Would any of you like a drink before we get started? We have a liquor bar and a blood bar for you Juan

We will start the interview with questions to Noah 
We all remember Noah yes? Well if not here he is in all his glory. 

Sexy isn't he?
Thank you for joining us here tonight Noah. I hope the questions will not be too painful for you. 
Are you comfortable? Ok then on with the Interview. 

1.       When did you start Devil Records? 

A smile spreads across Noah’s face, “Back in 2010 after I finished University where I studied business and a music degree. My father helped me set it up and invested some money into Devil Records. Which I have since paid back, so it’s all mine.  It’s been hard work building up my business but I’m very proud of it and have some great bands that I work with. Noah leans over Peppa and pats Juan on the knee, “Viper being our biggest band to date.” Juan grins back at Noah but remains quiet.

2.       How long have you known you wanted Peppa?

Noah turns to face Peppa and places a soft kiss to her lips, he then turns back to face me and starts talking, “Peppa has always been beautiful and she doesn't know this but I enjoyed the kiss she gave me all those years ago. But then she started acting differently around me and I just saw her as a brat.” Peppa slaps him at this point while laughing. He laughs to but goes on to say, “It wasn't till that Friday night when the three of us were pushed together by the crowd that things changed. I wanted her from that moment and I will always want her.” Peppa moves in closer to him and places a kiss on his cheek and says, “Me to baby.”

 3.       Did you ever see yourself being in a 3 some?

Noah takes a quick look at Juan and Peppa, “I have had plenty of threesome’s in the past but with two women. So this is a first for me with a man being involved. Did I see myself being in a threesome and falling in love with the other two? No! But look at them.” His head turns to look at Juan and then Peppa. “Aren't they the most beautiful people you have ever met? I’m so lucky to have them in my life and I wouldn't change a thing.

4.       What do you think of Juan's Snake Tattoo?

Noah throws his head back and laugh’s, “Oh fuck, that tattoo can get me into so much trouble. I think it is sexy, I can’t wait to lick it and one snake leads to another right so double the fun.” He winks at me at this point.

5.       What would you really like to do to Jacob?

An “Oh fuck,” comes from Juan and I catch a flash of anger go across Noah’s face but he soon smiles again and leans forward resting his elbows on his knees. “To be honest with you Tammy I don’t want to talk about that bastard. But I will tell you this for nothing, “He better hope he never crosses my path, because I don’t think he will like hospital food much.”

6.       What were your last thoughts as you got into that accident?

Peppa reaches for Noah’s hand and he takes it and brings it to his mouth to kiss it and then rests both their hands on his knee, “It’s not a memory I like to think about but as you asked so nicely it was, “Oh fuck I’m going to die, and it’s true what they say you know your life does flash before your eyes.”

Those were some pretty intense answers there Noah and I thank you for your honesty 
And now I will ask that you go and have yourself a nice tall drink to relax with while I conduct my 
Interview with the lady of your 3 some. 

Hi Peppa let me thank you for coming tonight 
I will try to make this as comfortable for you as I can. 

We all remember Peppa yes? She is the female of this 3 some!! Oh the things
She may tell us. Let me just say before we get started. You are one lucky woman!! 

1.       How long have you known Noah?

Peppa smiles lovingly at Noah, “About 13 years now, it feels like forever, but when I was 12 I became friends with Lara and he was the annoying big brother. He would chase us around the garden with the hose pipe getting us wet and would tell us to piss off when we caught him smoking. But it wasn't till what happened between the three of us that I really got to know Noah and I think I will keep him. Noah chuckles away to himself, “I’m not going anywhere sweetheart so I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”  Juan blurts out,” Me too sexy, you’re my fucking world so no getting rid of me.” Peppa looks at me like the cat who has got the cream and shrugs her shoulders and winks at me, “Guess I’m stuck with them both.”

2.       What is it like being with 2 men at the same time?

I notice Peppa blush at my question and she glances at both her men from the corner of her eyes. They both sit there with the biggest smiles on their faces. Juan nudges her shoulder, “Come on sexy I want to know the answer to this one.”  Peppa bites her lip and says, “It can be overwhelming at times. Can you image three different personalities trying to get their point across? It can also be frustrating at times as we are all stubborn in our own way but we work things out by talking to each, otherwise I just punch them so they will shut up."Noah leans in and whispers something in her ear and she blushes even more, “Oh crap, err yeah the sex. It’s very satisfying and they know what turns me on, we have a lot of fun together. And let’s face it Tammy who wouldn't want to see these two get it on.”

3.       Why did you really dump Jacob?

Noah growls and Peppa scowls at him, “Sorry about that, Noah really hates anyone mentioning the J word. I tried everything to make that man notice me, but work was always his priority and I just gave up in the end. If a man doesn't take notice of you when you are standing nearly naked in front of him, you know it’s time to say goodbye.”

4.       You don't mention it but do you have any family Peppa?

Peppa lowers her head and both Juan and Noah but their arms around her to comfort her I can just hear her voice as these two men shield her from my eyes, “I’m OK, but I can’t breathe let me go will you.” They both kiss her on a cheek and lean back in their seats. I notice Peppa wipe a tear from her face, “Sorry Tammy I don’t talk about it much because I lost my mother, she was killed by her boyfriend. It’s too painful to talk about.”

5.       Have you always wanted Noah?

Peppa starts giggling and blurts out, “Hell no.” She turns to Noah who is frowning at her and says, “Sorry Noah, you know I love you.” Then turns back to me, “I was 13 when I first fell in love with Noah but I wasn't a beep on his radar and when I was 14 I kissed him for a dare which ended up with everyone laughing at me as my breasts where exposed. I hated him from then on and well you know when things changed again.” Noah is still frowning at her, “You said you didn't hate me it was more that you disliked me.”  She shakes her head, “It’s in the past Noah and the here and now matters more, just be happy I don’t hate you now and love you instead.”  His hands reach out for her and he caresses her face, “I love you to.” I laugh as Juan pulls a face and sticks out his tongue to pretend he is being sick.

6.       Peppa any children in the future?

Peppa’s eyes widen at this question and I notice Juan and Noah’s heads have turned to look at her waiting anxiously for her answer. “Err, we haven’t really talked about it but yes I would love to have kids.” Both Juan and Noah look at her opened mouthed but nothing more is said.

Wow those were some fantastic answers there Peppa. 
And I would love to see little Noah's and Juan's running around :) 
Thank You for all your enlightening answers. Now if you don't mind
going over and sitting with Noah at the bar I will conduct the last interview 
for the evening with Juan. 

Lets all welcome Juan to the Interview 

You all know Juan right? He is the drummer of Rock The Viper
and he is the man with the Snake Tattoo. 

Have a seat Juan we wont bite but we may let you bite us *wicked grin*

“I hope you don’t mind me saying so but you have been very quiet Juan is everything ok?”
Juan leans forward in his seat and gives me a sexy smile, “I've been waiting to get you all to myself Tammy, and besides you can never get a word in when these two start talking.” I laugh as Peppa slaps him on his chest.


1.       We all want to know where your Snake Tattoo is and why you chose that spot?

He lifts his Viper T-shirt to show me, “As you can see Tammy, it’s on my chest and Noah pretty much answered the why. It’s a good place to be licked, kissed and leads to my dick that likes to fuck, so two snakes for the price of one.” Peppa pulls his T-shirt back down and lets out a growl, “Mine.” Juan sits back with a smirk on his face.

2.       So you are the drummer of the band Viper. Why did you choose to play the Drums?

He lets out a laugh, “Tammy, Tammy aren't all the drummers in any band the sexiest.” He gives me a wink. “Honestly it seemed the easiest instrument to learn and play, I didn't have the patients like Saul to learn the guitar and I can’t sing for shit.”

3.       Were you always a Vampire?

“Yes Saul, Cruz and I were born Vampire.” 

4.       What is this Entwining you mention?

The Entwining happens when a vampire meets his/her soul mate. As we don’t have a beating heart it’s our souls that reach out to their intended. There are some who will fight it and cause themselves pain especially if a human is involved as must don’t want to outlive their lovers. But a drop of our blood can give a human an extra 10 years of life but most would hope they would change over. My brother Saul lost his Entwined and suffered for years with the pain of that and wanted to die himself. You can love again but it will never be as deep as the love you have for your Entwined.

5.       Have you always wanted to be with a man?

Juan looks over at Noah and winks at him. “Am I a lover of dick? I have experienced some male on male loving in my past but always preferred women. Now I have both and Noah will be the only man I want.”

6.       If Peppa were turned too could she have yours and Noah’s children?

He looks at Peppa who I notice won’t meet his eyes, “No she doesn't have to be turned, and I’m sorry Tammy, but I think this is something that the three of us need to talk about privately.”

Wow although a little tight fanged on some answers there Juan that 
was rather Enlightening. 

I have one last question for all 3 of you if you don't mind 

Since you are a 3 some How do you decide which position you will get in during your Passion Fests?

“Oh my god.” Peppa blushes again and hides her face behind her hands. Juan and Noah both burst out laughing. Noah decides to answer me, “We just go with the flow it’s surprising where one sex fest can lead to. But the boss here.” He points to Peppa who happens to say, “Kill me now please.” “Tends to lead the way. What she wants she gets.” Juan takes Peppa’s hands away from her face and stares at her adoringly, “I know how to please my woman and man so no one is left out, and we all end up with faces that tell you we have all been well and truly fucked. Noah’s right what Peppa wants she gets and it usually her on her knees with one of us in her pussy and the other in her mouth. But I’m sure as our relationship develops we will find more positions to fuck in.”


Before you 3 leave let me ask because I am sure we all want to know. 
Will we be seeing anything more from you 3?

They all smile at me and Juan reaches out a hand for Noah which he takes and steps in closer to Juan. Then Juan put's his other hand out for Peppa but she doesn't take it, instead she snakes her arm around his waist and side hugs him. Juan looks me dead in the eye still giving me that sexy smile and says, "Our story is far from over. Yes Tammy there is still more to come from this threesome."

Might I suggest you all go pickup a copy of this fantastic book and 
learn more about these 3 Sexy, Loving and Wickedly Funny characters 

Buy Links

Visit the Author who wrote this fantastic trio on her Facebook page 

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  1. Damn!! Hot! Hot! Hot! Need to get this series!! Jean.

  2. Holy cow, that was one Hot and Steamy interview and curled my toes!! Going to have to read this one!! Also love your Lounge Tammy. :-)
