Author: Natalie Hancock
Publication Date: 12/19/2013
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne at - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars !!!!!
Zombies and Demons Oh MY !!!
An Immortal by the name of Rayne is chosen to help save the Demon Race from an upcoming Apocalypse. Rayne has a vision and in that vision she must move into a new world. This new world however is overrun with Lurkers. What is a Lurker you ask? They are loved ones, family and friends who had died and then risen again. Rayne has a unique ability she can imagine up many different weapons of choice such as a scythe, dagger or whatever weapon is needed at the time. She also has the aid of a Hawk. She must also train for the upcoming battle and has the aid of some demons those who do not wish her harm. We have Caleb the computer geek, and 2 kitty cat demons named Rita and Pita and we also have Ren who is the healer. Rayne may be an Immortal who cant be killed but she can be harmed or at least that is what she thinks. Caleb has built a pod for training purposes and one day he sends in Kade.
Kade is a sexy lethal demon . Anything that could go wrong does go wrong on so many levels.Rayne has a very wicked attraction to this demon.However Kade is the one person who could actually kill Rayne. Now Rayne must battle Kade both physically and romantically. How will it end? Read the book !
I hope to read more about Kade in future books
Review copy provided by: ARC provided by Author Natalie Hancock for my honest review
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