Review - Netherby Halls by Claudy Conn

Book: Netherby Halls
Author: Claudy Conn
Publication Date: 2/1/2013
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne
My Rating: 5 Stars

We are in Sutton Village, England and its the year of 1815.

Enter Sassy Winthrop a 21 yr old who is a white witch just coming into her powers. The only persons who know this are her mother who passed away 2 years ago and her now ailing/dying father The Vicar. Sassy keeps having vivid dreams of a man with hair as dark as the night sky and eyes so blue. She doesn't know who the man is or why she is dreaming of him at first. She sees him before she moves away and runs the other way. 

After Sassy's father passes away she has to move in with her mothers best friend and it is here where Sassy takes on a teaching position at Netherby Halls where things are very evil. So now Sassy must not only protect herself but the girls she teaches at the school. Has her powers strengthened enough and will she know how to use them?

Soon Sassy discovers the name of the man who is in her visions is none other than Justin Dartmour. She wants to run away again but something pulls her to Justin. Sassy has heard what others have said about Justin Dartmour that he is a womanizer. Can she grab and hold on to Justin's Heart? 

I just love Claudy Conn's books and this like the many before it I have read just grabs me til I am done reading it. I would highly recommend any of her books !! Yes there is some sexual content but she uses it all gracefully in her books !

Review copy provided by: Purchased Copy

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