

Review - 4 Stars - Tango Love by Nicole Flockton

Book: Tango Love
Author: Nicole Flockton
Publication Date: 1/2014
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne
My Rating: 4 Stars 

My Review
This is a short and sweet story about 2 people who have lived together for 2 years only to discover they both feel the same way. 

We have Melinda Jones she is a female who keeps a secret that she has been inlove with her housemate James Brady since the day he moved in. She has no intentions of every telling him how she feels. They are really good friends James would even cook, clean and sit and watch chick flicks with her. And so the old saying goes It takes 2 to Tango well that’s just what happened with Melinda and James. While out at a nightclub with one of her dearest friends since 3rd grade Melinda sets her sights on a man at the bar. However James has now come up behind her and scared off the man and he then offers his hand to Melinda and says will you Tango with me? Melinda feels her body surging forward as he leads her onto the dance floor. His touch sets off sparks throughout her entire body. And as the dance comes to the finale he bends her back and kisses just lightly upon her lips and then says Later. Melinda is in awe and not sure what to think but what she knows is she wants this man right here right now. Later when James comes home things go from 0 to 60 really quick. What happens next well 
You will have to go grab the book to find out  

The author doesn’t take us to fast into the ups and downs of the story and Its very well written. Grab your copy now to find out what happens between Melinda and James …

Review copy provided by: ARC copy provided by Netgalley and Harlequin Enterprises Australia for my honest review

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