Author Spotlight Page - Author Claudy Conn

Author Claudy Conn 
Also known by  Claudette Williams/Melanie Davis when writing regency and historical romances. 
Now  an Indie Author who writes Pararnormal/Fantasy Romance. 

I know I wont even begin to have all of Claudy's GREAT books available here so please check out her Amazon page for all the books !!! 

Most of Claudy's books are stand alones but I preferred to read most of the series in an Order which I will have posted here for you :) 

All of Claudy Conn's books are available on Itunes,, Smashwords, I will have Amazon and Nook Links here for you !! 

Alot of Claudy Conn's Books are Available For Free so check the links before you 1 Click :) 

Shadow Vampires Series

(1) ShadowLove -Stalkers 
 Amazon -

(2) ShadowHeart - Slayer 
 Amazon -

(3) ShadowLife- Hybrid
 Amazon -
Nook -

Legend Series will Lead you right into the Through Time Series- My FAVORITE BOOKS Both Series !!!! 

Legend Series Reading Order and Buy Links

1. Aaibhe-Shee Queen (Legend, #0.25)
Amazon -

2. Prince in the Mist (Legend, #0.5)
 Amazon -
 Nook -

3. Prince Prelude (Legend, #0.75)
Amazon -
Nook -

4. Spellbound (Legend, #1)
Amazon -
Nook -

5. Shee Willow (Legend, #2)
Amazon -
Nook -

6.Trapped (Legend, #3)
Amazon -
Nook -

7. Free Falling (Legend, #4)
Amazon -
Nook -

8. Catch & Hold (Legend, #5)
Amazon -
Nook -

Through Time Series and Reading Order and Buy Links 

1. Through Time - Pursuit
Amazon -
Nook -

2. Through Time- Whiplash
Amazon -
Nook -

3. Through Time - Slamming
Amazon -
Nook -

4. Through Time - Frankie
Amazon -
Nook -

5. Through Time - Compulsion - 

The Next Installment in the Through Time Series by Author Claudy Conn 

Amazon -
Nook -

Add it to your GR TBR here -


FRANKIE DODGED HER father’s attack and rushed to Graely who had been watching her training session from the Observers Stage which circled the sandy ring. 
She jumped up and hugged him around his masculine neck then wrapped her legs around his fit body. 
She called out his name over and over as she planted a flurry of kisses all over his face. She leaned back to look into his eyes as he laughed out loud. 

“Well then, have ye been bored my Dark One?” She teased.
“I never get bored watching you, but, your father is staring daggers at me right now. 
Go on sweetlife, get back in the ring with him and practice,” Graely told her. Frankie was his life. 
She made his heart swell. She made music float about in his head. She made every moment sweet.

She giggled and jumped down, opened her exquisite black wings then flew over the ring while Graely watched her and shook his head.
She threw him a kiss before she dove at her father and playfully snatched up the training sword he had managed to take from her earlier when she wasn’t paying attention. Graely folded his arms across his bare chest and grinned. She was a devil, his loveable Frankie…his devil.
She landed in front of her father, tucked in her white tipped black wings and said, “Well then Da, score one for me and let’s go.”

Deimne’s smile was proud. “Just because you got your training sword back doesn’t excuse you from losing it in the first place.”
Graely laughed at the face she made at him. Her antics never ceased to fill him with joy. 
She made everything a game, but he knew his Frankie. When she needed to be, she was a deadly force. 
Frankie had a ‘kill button’ inside of her that could turn her brilliant hazel Fae eyes into smoldering black crystals. 

Oh yes, his Frankie was a force.

Hungry Moon Series 

1.Hungry Moon - Quicksilver
Amazon -
Nook -

2. Hungry Moon - Destiny
Amazon -
Nook -

Lady Star 
Amazon -

Lady Bess 
Amazon -
Nook -

Amazon -
B & N-

Author Claudy Conn is also included in the following Anthologies. 

22 Paranormal Authors...
21 HOT Stories! Pre-order your copy of this limited edition boxed set for only 99 CENTS! 

It's sure to put you on Santa's Naughty List!

Release Date: December 1, 2015

Claudy's Amazon Page 

Claudys Author Page on Facebook

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