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Review - Hellhound:Dogs of War (Hellhound #2) by Rue Volley

Book:  Hellhound:  Dogs Of War (Hellhound #2)
Author:  Rue Volley
Publication Date:  1/4/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

** This Series is intended for those 18+ years and older  **

This book picks right up where Hellhound #1 left off.  As we know Gunner has made some kind of deal with Lucifer so that Halo could keep living and being a hellhound. And Dorin is also now gone. They are now down to 3 hellhounds and Halo knows what that means but if Gunner and Dorin are truly gone they would get 2 more because there is always 5. Halo decides to try to make things right and the only way to do that is to make a deal with the Devil himself none other than Lucifer.
She actually agrees to DATE HIM !!! But can she trust him?  She is given Gunners blade and it just breaks her heart but she vows to fight for him. One morning she is shocked to find 2 guests in the house and her heart is breaking because she knows what that means.  Enter Hunter and Vanessa 2 vampires. And let the ACTION, STEAMY HOT ESCAPADES begin!!!!

Can Halo save Gunner? What about Dorin where is he or is he truly gone?
Well PICKUP a copy and find out !!!

And  YESSSSSSSSS the author leaves us with  a shocking ending !!! I can’t wait now for book 3..

**And because I am a Beta Reader although not for Rue Volley . I did note in this book as well as the first a few issues but I will not allow that to determine my rating of this Wickedly GREAT BOOK !!! **

Review copy provided by: Purchased my copy for Kindle from Amazon

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