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Review - Hidden Magic (The Witches of Freedom Moon #1)-Wynter Daniels

Book:  Hidden Magic (The Witches of Freedom Moon #1)
Author:  Wynter Daniels
Publication Date:  11/8/2013
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

Wynter Daniels is a new to me author and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by this first book of her Witches of Freedom Moon Series.

We have Jilly Livingston a young white witch who has been severely abused by her now ex-boyfriend Jamal who seemed to get off on beating Jilly every chance he got. She finally fleed him and wound up in Florida with a coven. Its here she meets sexy Zander Parsons who is the towns only police detective. He comes to Jilly for help in solving the disappearance of a young girl.  WOW the suspense and action during this search is overwhelming and just grips you to the pages.  

The book flows seamlessly from one part to the next. I didn’t get lost and the story was a very short read!!  Zander and Jilly had sparks fly from the very beginning and boy does it get HOT !!!

Can Jilly finally learn to trust in others? What about her friends she has made within her new coven? We have Taryn and Haley who Jilly has befriended and they are with her little coven group.  The story leaves us wondering if they will find their true loves also.  

Pickup your copy of this great short read and enjoy !!!

Review copy provided by: ARC provided to me by the Author

Buy Links
B & N:  http://bit.ly/1fvJqhD

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