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Review - 5 Stars - No Ifs, Ands, Or Bears About It (Grayslake#1)- Celia Kyle

Book:  No  Ifs, Ands, Or Bears About It (Grayslake#1)
Author:  Celia Kyle
Publication Date:  1/5/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

This is a first read for me by this author.

We have WereBears !! In this book we get Mia Baker who has recently moved into her grandfathers home after he passed away. The house was on Grayslake territory. When she first got the house there was a small bear cub in the pantry. She had no idea at first if it was a real bear or a werebear. After some coaxing she managed to get it to come out for a brief moment and realized it was definetly a shifter. But it refused to shift out of bear form. Next  thing Mia knows is there is a huge man at her door practically tearing it off the hinges wanting the cub. He said his name was Griss and the cub was his nephew and left in his care. The man was drunk and there was no way Mia was giving him the cub. Mia was a shifter herself but unable to shift into her bear form.
In comes the Sheriff and his brother the deputy. Sheriff Abrams has the hots for Mia and she is unaware.  He lets Mia know he is the Clans Leader.  Ty knew she had the young cub hiding out in her house. He also knew she meant to see that the cub was safe He had just lost his parents and likely was very scared. The cubs name was Parker he informed Mia.

Mia has no intentions of ever giving Parker back to Griss and Ty well is not sure what to do but he is beyond angered at what they find when little parker shifts back to human form.

Will Mia get to keep Parker?
Will  Ty and his bear get to keep Mia?

Pickup your copy and read !!! 

This is a really good book which shifts your emotions, has action and OH so hot passion ! It is very well written.

Review copy provided by: ARC provided by Fido Publishing via Netgalley for my honest review

Buy Links
B & N:  http://bit.ly/1bmBMa9

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