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Review - 5 Stars - Hot Rock by Author Annie Seaton

Book: Hot Rock
Author:  Annie Seaton
Publication Date:  2/24/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

Annie Seaton is a New to me Author

In this book we have Megan Miller who is a Music Enthusiast with the college she works for. Her dreams of going to a music festival in Glastonbury were all she dreamed of and her love of 70s musician Davy Morgan.  Megan already has a place to stay when she travels from Australia over to Glastonbury because her friend Beth’s family has a small cottage called Violet Cottage.
Of course before she ever arrives all hell is breaking loose back at the university with someone having stole her files and passwords. She knows it has to be Greg Cannon a man who has been after her job for  a long time. He even used Megan in order to get it. Her brother inlaw would handle most of the details as she was determined to get to this music festival .

In this book we have Ley Lines for time travel and this is how David/Davy Morgan goes back and forth from the 70s to the future of 2014. He has always said he would never fall in love but once he meets Megan all that begins to change. Can he let go of his past and the losses? Will Megan get her childhood Rock Star?

Can Megan and David’s attraction stand up to the hands of Time? AND HOT !! This book IS HOT !!!

Grab your copy now and read !!!

Review copy provided by: ARC provided to me by Covet Entangled Publishing for my honest review

Buy Links- Coming Soon
B & N:  http://bit.ly/1fMEl2Y

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