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Review - 4 Stars - Torn by Christine Hughes

Book: Torn         
Author:  Christine Hughes
Publication Date:  8/8/2013
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 4 Stars


This is a first time read by this Author for me.

In this book we have good angels  vs dark angels. Samantha is a 17 yr old girl whose world is about to be turned upside down and the life she thought she knew will never be the same.
Samantha’s father James is trying to protect a box which has been in his care to guard. Sebastian kills him with the death sword.  Samantha’s best friend Lucas and his brother Ethan are there for her however they are going to turn her world upside down.  Someone is constantly whispering to Sam and she has no idea who or what it is.  Something Dark she knows as things appear different.  Soon after Sams’ fathers death Lucas and Ethan take Sam and they go stay at the cabin that was owned by Sam’s father they feel this is the safest place until the darkness finds them. While at the cabin Lucas and Ethan finally tell Sam everything.  There are angels and her father was one who went from the dark side to the light side. They tell her she is the one who will finally win out.  Samantha isn’t sure she believes all of this but knows something is different.  She trains daily and becomes much better with her learning her gifts.  But the darkness has yet again found them and they are now on the run again. They are going to stay with the others who are like them.  Samantha is so drawn to Ethan and finally she learns that he feels the same. But something threatens their getting together. 

The book is well written and flows smoothly there were a few grammar issues along the way but nothing that would deter me from saying this book is a wonderful read.

I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.  

Review copy provided by: I received an ARC copy of this book from the Author for my honest review.

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