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Review - Hungry Moon-Destiny by Claudy Conn

Book: Hungry Moon-Destiny
Author: Claudy Conn
Publication Date:  2/18/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

Luke MacNash- Hybrid  Super Sexy Alpha  Male who left his home in the highlands after a horrible fight with his brother.

Kelsey Wilder -Werewolf shifter who was adopted by a Powerful Werewolf Alpha but she has dark powers has  left her pack for a normal life in The bright lights of New York City.

Andrew MacPoole - The evil dark werewolf shifter from book 1 is back again and stirring up even more evil.

We also see other characters from the first book Hungry Moon-Quicksilver which is one of the things I love about Author Claudy Conn. She brings all the characters in a series into each book !!! Fanastic !!! Oh and don't be shocked if a few from The Legends Series also show up to play in this DARK Power struggle.

Enter Quinn and Ravena from book 1 they have been fighting against the evil of Andrew for a long time and now the battle has begun again.

Can Kelsey and Luke however do what needs to be done against Andrew? Can they stop his murderous spree in New York City? And can Kelsey prevent her attraction to Luke from growing any stronger?

I can not wait to see what else Claudy Conn has in store for this series !!

Go ahead and pickup your copy and find out !!!

Review copy provided by: Purchased Kindle Copy

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