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New Release & Spotlight - Piece Of Heaven - Author Sammi J

By Author Sammi J
Release Date 3/13/2014


Aaron Calnan has seen enough of the horrors of war. He wants to put it behind him, take his life in a new direction. But when he takes a strange military posting for an organisation called RUM, he has no way of knowing the challenges he will face. His decision takes him into unknown territory with unexpected twists and turns. Now, Aaron finds himself immersed in a world where humans work within the realms of the paranormal, where Werewolves and Vampires become friends and Fae like to kick your ass. He discovers that humans are not inferior and that even paranormal beings have their vulnerabilities. Then, one encounter changes everything and Aaron finds his life turned upside down. Will he finally find his own piece of heaven?

WARNING. Written in British English. Also written from a male POV. The use of swear words is very heavy in this story so if you are easily offended you have been warned. Graphic descriptions, sexual situations and strong language. 18+ advised

My Review

Aaron Calnan who is being raised by his mother and uncle has gotten himself into some trouble and is sent away to the military at the age of 17 to help him grow up and become a man. After many different missions and many different places he decides to take on a mission he chooses for himself. All  the computer screen says is RUM which he later finds out means Recovery Unit Mystic.  It is here at RUM on a beautiful beach location that he learns about Paranormal beings. He meets Reed who is a werewolf shifter and Jayden who is a Vampire and then there is the beautiful Bella who is fae and he is also partnered with a werewolf named Nate. He has to go through extreme training while here on the compound of RUM and they are then sent out on missions to rescue paranormal beings who have been captured and such.  While out on one of these missions he meets Naveah whom he rescues after she and a few others were captured.  While holding Naveah  his body and heart react to this woman. All he knows is she is a White Wolf Shifter.  Aaron goes on to do many other missions and when he is hurt while doing one of the missions he goes to stay at Reeds home to recoup.  While there he learns this is where Naveah is staying. Aaron decides this is where he wants to live and he will do whatever it takes to have Naveah as his mate.  Will Naveah accept Aaron? Will Reed stand in Aarons way?  Pickup your copy of the book and find out.

The book takes us through many action packed scenes and the romance between a few is oh so sweet and also some heartache.

I personally cant wait to find out in future books what happens with Reed, Jayden and Bella J

Review copy provided by:  I was a Beta Reader for this book and given an ARC copy for my Honest Review.. 

Author Information 

Sammie J loves to read and, through her own dreams, her stories have started to take form. She finally decided to write things down when her dreams kept repeating every night, and she hasn't stopped since. She finds time to write while also being a stay at home mum to four children, who love to help her choose names for her characters. Her biggest supporter is her husband, who will stay up and talk to her into the early morning hours about her stories, and he isn't shy about giving her criticism. 
Sammie J likes to think she has a wicked sense of humor and she hopes it comes through in her books to her readers. If she can make you laugh, then her job is done and she feels complete.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7369636.Sammie_J_

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