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Review - Her Dragon To Slay ( Dragon Guards #1)- Julia Mills

Book:  Her Dragon To Slay ( Dragon Guards #1)
Author:  Julia Mills
Publication Date: 11/20/2013
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars

In this book we have Kyndel she is a strong woman made that way by her grandmother after the death of her parents. After losing her grandmother Kyndel never forgot her grandmothers words and  has lived by them. While walking home from the gym through a park one evening Kyndel knows someone is hurt she doesn’t see anyone at first however. Then out of no where a gorgeous man with the bluest eyes she has ever seen lands on the ground. He is severely hurt and Kynel can’t walk away. Something is pulling her to this man causing her to throw all caution aside.  She takes him back to her place and puts healing herbs on his back. The tattoo on his back is like calling to her. 
The man wakes the next day and has now told her everything about him. Kyndel doesn’t know what to believe but her faith and inner self says she can trust this man.
Rayne is the leader of the Dragon Guard and he lets Kyndel know the person he fought was actually after her. 

Many things transpire and someone who the Dragons thought was one of them well  lets just say it’s a shocker.
Read the book !!!

This book is well written, and If you are a Dragon shifter lover like myself then you are going to love this book.
Totally recommend it !!!!

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  1. Awesome series! I just love Shifters of all kinds but these Dragons are Hot!
