Cover Reveal - In His Silks - Patricia D. Eddy


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cover reveal

covergifTitle: In His Silks
Author: Patricia D. Eddy
Genre: Erotic Suspense/BDSM
Audience: 18+
Formats: E-Book and Paperback
Publisher: Patricia D. Eddy
Cover By: Melody Barber
Editor: Clare C. Marshall
Pages: Approximately 440
Expected Date of Publishing: June 10, 2014

Elizabeth Bennett never dreamed that a sudden downpour could change her life, but that's exactly what happens when she falls across the feet of Boston's richest playboy, Alexander Fairhaven. 

Alexander recognizes the untrained submissive inside Elizabeth immediately. This golden-haired beauty consumes his thoughts and his dreams like no one ever has. He wants her bound to his bed, screaming his name as he pleasures her.

When danger comes for Elizabeth, Alexander is there. Forced to rely on this man who both frightens and thrills her, will she embrace her submissive side. Will she let Alexander bind her In His Silks?

book links

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Available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon on June 10.


about the author

Patricia D. Eddy has been a writer all of her life. She used to sit at her parents' kitchen counter at an Apple IIe typing out short stories. She even wrote a few on their old typewriter. But it wasn't until NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in 2011 that she ever came close to finishing a story she started.
Once that dam broke, the flood waters never receded. Patricia sits down to write every evening after dinner and quite often sees midnight come and go before she heads to bed. She doesn't sleep much. But she wouldn't have it any other way.
In her spare (HA!) time she runs, bikes, swims, yogas, pilates-es, reads, and is terribly addicted to Doctor Who and Sherlock. Apparently she has a thing for quirky British men.

media links

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 In His Silks by Patricia D Eddy for May 14. 2014.

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  1. I love how the post shows all available books in the series at once and you dont have to search for synopsis
