Review - The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire (#1) by AK Michaels

Book: The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire (Book #1)
Author:  A K Michaels
Publication Date: 12/23/2013
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars

New to me Author

In this book we have a young witch named Peri. She has been working for a bounty hunter in order to make only cash so that she had no paper trail to lead anyone to her. While out on a job one night she encounters Josef a Vampire and Gabe a werewolf who are best friends for over 100 years. Yea the ODD COUPLE I want to call them. Love it !!

Someone or something is after Peri and Josef and Gabe are determined to protect her no matter what. But when they find out who it is that hurt Peri they know the situation must be dealt with.   Josef is a very powerful and rich vampire and he has called in some of the best to find out what the situation may be with Peri and what he first learns is nothing but less than SHOCKING.

Peri starts to learn about her powers and she also endures a very heartbreaking scene.

I can honestly say I enjoyed this book.  It gave great detail about each character and helped me get to know them.

And wow they figure out they are all 3 mates .. And a mating is soon to come I am already reading book #2 so we shall see what happens.

Grab your copy of this really good book I highly recommend it !!

I was gifted a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review

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