Vampire Claire finds herself caught in the middle between her Master, Parker, and her Trigger, Andre. Little love is lost between the former friends, but somehow Claire must build a bridge between them when they are sent to Edgewood to settle their differences. The cost of her failure will be deadly.
Deep in the cellars of Edgewood, a game of sexual bondage unleashes unexpected dangers, twisting open, loving Andre into a secretive virtuoso of manipulation. Is this just another part of the game, or is he losing his mind? Parker will take desperate steps to protect his apprentice, but he won’t be dragged into the game with them.
Can Parker set aside forty years of bitter rivalry, or will he sacrifice Andre to save Claire?
Deep in the cellars of Edgewood, a game of sexual bondage unleashes unexpected dangers, twisting open, loving Andre into a secretive virtuoso of manipulation. Is this just another part of the game, or is he losing his mind? Parker will take desperate steps to protect his apprentice, but he won’t be dragged into the game with them.
Can Parker set aside forty years of bitter rivalry, or will he sacrifice Andre to save Claire?
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Andre stooped to the floor and came up with a pointed piece of one of the nightstand legs, which he held in his fist like a stake.
Terror slammed into me, turning my muscles to jelly. Paralyzed, I lay sprawled on the mattress, my right wrist still cuffed to the bedpost. When he headed for the door, I screamed his name. His head jerked, and the look on his face was so full of malice and hate, I recoiled.
But a second later, he stared at the stake as if he had no idea how it had come to be in his hand. He dropped it to the floor, and it rolled into a corner. Andre crossed the room at a run and climbed onto the mattress with me.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, darlin’,” he crooned, taking me into his arms. My cuffed wrist made it awkward, and he unlatched it so I was free. Scooping me into his embrace, he held me against his shuddering body. His heart galloped faster than mine.
I closed my eyes and buried my face in his neck. Even with my lids tightly shut, I couldn’t get the image of his face twisted with hate out of my head. I knew it hadn’t been directed at me—it had been meant for Parker—but I still couldn’t stop shaking. Had Andre really been furious enough to try to stake Parker? What if the woman in my nightmare hadn’t been telling me to go ahead with the game, but instead to stop playing it? Maybe my subconscious realized Andre was in peril of losing control of himself the more he indulged his kink?
“This game is dangerous,” I said with a shudder. “I don’t want to play anymore. Not if it makes you like this. I don’t like you like this. I don’t even know who you are sometimes, Dre. You scare me. You scare the shit out of me.”
Andre stiffened against me, but his voice was gentle. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I swear.”

Links to reach Amy Lee Burgess:
@AmyLeeBurgess (Twitter)