

Review - 5 Stars -Empathy by Ker Dukey

Book:  Empathy
Author:  Ker Dukey
Publication Date: 8/27/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars


New to me Author

This is a story of inner evil.  Older brother saving younger brother from the nightmare of what is in their home.  Drug addicted mother and a horrible abusive step father.

Damien aka goes by his middle name Blake takes his stepfather’s life for something he sees being done to his younger brother Ryan.

Ryan is also tormented but Blake doesn’t really see it when he is younger.

Move forward.. College

Melody  a sweet naïve girl who was raised by 2 loving parents.  Witnesses something beyond horrible and is now reliving it on a daily basis.. She is broken.

 Ryan has become friends with Melody and then Melody learns that Blake his Ryans brother.

Everything becomes one huge dark and twisted nightmare can any of these people come back to the other side with any shred of hope of having a normal life?

Wow is all I can say on this book.  Its Deep, Dark and Riveting.

I received a gifted copy of this book for my honest review

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