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Review - Last Chance- Rock Romance #2 by A.L. Wood

Book:  Last Chance (Rock Romance #2)
Author:  A.L. Wood
Publication Date: 3/7/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars

This is book 2 in the series and it picks right up where book 1 left us hanging.
Natalie awakens in the hospital. Liam and Layla are there beside her letting her know she was in a coma for the past few days.
After some tests and getting cleared they are visited by the band members all of them are dressed in costumes to hide who they really are. Ryan of course is with them and Natalie wants nothing to do with him but she also does not / is not ready to let her best friend Layla know what happened between them.

Ryan has his hands full with trying to get Natalie to talk to him.  If his best friend Liam would talk to him and tell him things he wouldn’t have to do what he was planning on doing. He sneaks up on Natalie and pulls her into his car and takes her off to where they can talk. But talk doesn’t really happen.

Natalie has been getting sick and so she is off to the doctor with Liam by her side. And the news the doctor gives shocks both herself and Liam. NOW what is she going to do?

I really enjoyed this book in the series and I am happily ready to read the next book.
This book is very enlightening into some deep mental issues many are faced with.

Grab Your Copy and get reading !!!

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