

Cover Reveal - Chasing the Stars by JD Rivera

Cover Reveal

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Book Title: Chasing the Stars Author: J.D. Rivera Genre: New Adult Release Date: October 2014 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


 Mackenzie Blanchard’s life wasn’t easy; never had been, never would be. She thought things were looking up when she started yet another new school her senior year. She made friends and was enjoying life the best she could. One friendship turned into something more, and just when she felt safe, things were ripped apart. Hayes Morgan had never cared about anyone but himself. He was living the life he wanted, just having fun. He never dreamed that he would fall for the new girl in school. What started out as a sweet friendship turned into something he never thought possible, until she vanished... Their paths collide a year after they last saw each other, but they are both harboring secrets. Will they be able to trust and love each other again or will the secrets rip them apart forever?

  Meet the Author

JD Profile J.D. Rivera lives in Oklahoma with her husband and two boys. Her life consists of school projects, homework, cartoon shows, and little league sports. She loves Diet Mountain Dew, the OKC Thunder, costume jewelry, the beach, and reading.


I turned around to come face to face with green piercing eyes. My breath caught and I felt like I was going to pass out. No way was I standing in front of Hayes Morgan. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t do anything but look into his beautiful eyes. “Mac?” he finally managed, his voice cracking. “Yeah,” I whispered. He reached his hand out like he was going to touch me then dropped it. “I can’t believe it’s you. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you again.” I pulled my eyes away from him to notice the beautiful girl standing beside him with her arm wrapped around his forearm. “It’s really me. It was nice seeing you, but I have to go.”

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