

Review - Disorderly Lady by Claudy Conn

Book: Disorderly Lady  
Author: Claudy Conn
Publication Date: 9/14/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars


It’s truly a shame I can only rate this book 5 stars. I would gladly give it a ton more.

We have in this book Sir Brentley of Cullingham and his sister Bella. Both of their parents past away at sea when they were younger.  Brent has done all he can in bringing up his sister properly and attending to their estate. But its time he takes his sister to their Aunt Violet for help with giving Bella a season.

Bella is your typical young woman. She has endured her first heartbreak however and is looking forward actually to what may await her.  She is one sassy girl that’s for sure..

This book is very well written, I love the comical parts given to the characters throughout the story.
The sexiness, the honor and the strength of family is also brought to the forefront.

I found myself just cracking up laughing through the book.  I totally loved it and I am sure if you love regency with a bit of sexy romance you will love it too so grab a copy and get reading !!!

Goodreads Book Link


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