

Release Blitz - Caught on Camera by Destiny Blaine

Caught On Camera by Destiny Blaine
Published by Siren-Bookstrand

Love at First Sight, Book One—A series of LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT romances, all of which stand alone
Bailey Chapman isn’t looking for love but when Nick Palmani shows up at a bonfire and starts pursuing her, she notices. Soon, the two are grinding out their passionate fantasies. Unbeknownst to the couple, the entire episode is caught on camera.

Nick Palmani knows Bailey possesses that special spark, but when he discovers Bailey’s father owns the farm where he’ll soon work, things are complicated. After a night of passion is caught on camera and the entire groping session goes viral, he isn’t too certain of his job security. He’s more concerned about Bailey and how her life will soon spin out of control.
Fearing Bailey will do whatever necessary to pacify her family and avoid unattractive labels, Nick whisks her away to an undisclosed location. Soon, secrets are revealed in front of an interested public and Bailey and Nick must decide if they can move forward together or find a way to leave their explosive past behind.


“Your father seems like a nice fella,” Nick said, never cracking a smile.
“Oh yeah? Wait until you meet my mother. She’s a real gem.”
“And you think I’ll meet her sometime in the next few minutes?”
“Got somewhere you need to be?”
“You might say that.” Nick massaged the back of his neck, acting positively amused.
“You think this is funny?”
“No, Bailey. I don’t. I didn’t drive five hundred miles for the career start I’ve been dreaming of only to have the farmer’s daughter screw me over by luring me to her bed.”
“I don’t want to hear about it,” she said flippantly. “I knew you were a player. If somebody jumped your bones after you and I were through, that’s between the two of you. I don’t want to know anything about it.”
He stared at her blankly.
“And you apparently lost your way more than once if you landed here instead of wherever you’re supposed to be.” She sat on top of her dad’s desk, wishing he’d hurry up. Whatever he was saying to Stacy and her brother must’ve been along the lines of a good old-fashioned sermon. Before long the handkerchief would come out.
“Are you in denial?” Nick rose to his feet and stalked her. “I mean are you so involved in your little fantasies and daydreams that you can’t get a real grip on reality here?”
“I have a fine grip on reality. Thank you very much.” She glanced down at that thick bulge in his jeans and nearly came thinking about how he’d groaned at her ear when she’d wrapped her hand around him the night before. Moistening her lips she stared at his crotch and said, “I’m actually surprised you don’t remember.”
“Oh, I remember all right.” He released a guttural growl and studied her for a long time before he added, “You don’t know.”
“I don’t know what?”
“You don’t have the faintest idea what’s going on here.”
She crossed one leg over the other. “I’m a lot of things. Stupid I’m not. You obviously drove cross country for employment—probably somewhere like over at Melanie Shaffer’s place—and somehow pulled in our driveway by mistake. You’re the one who announced we’d had a thing, a fling. Now, my dad will probably call her dad to warn her that some…some older guy…is coming on to his daughter and Shaffer better lock his up.” She studied her fingernails and that’s when it hit her. “Oh my God. You weren’t talking about Melanie or the Shaffers. Were you?”

Author Bio and Links

Destiny Blaine is one pseudonym for the award-winning international bestseller Susan Smith Alvis. Destiny writes in most subgenres with a mix of intimate pairings. Her upcoming title, Rendition, will be released soon from Siren-Bookstrand.

A career writer for over a decade, Destiny and her husband live in East Tennessee with their four pampered pets. For more information, follow Destiny on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/DestinyBlaine or Facebook at www.Facebook.com/DestinyBlaine. Visit her on the web at www.destinyblaine.com

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