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Review - Filthy -Fierce #3 by Clarissa Wild

Book: Filthy – Fierce #3
Author: Clarissa Wild
Publication Date: 10/7/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars


I read this book as part of a boxed set. I have read and reviewed all of the Fierce series thus far and love every single one of them.

Finally Jared gets his story..
Jared is a friend of Hunter and Autumn. He comes from a very wealthy family so money has never been a problem but the one thing he always wanted he could never have. Lin . 
The girl who grew up in his home because her parents worked for Jared’s family.
 They were always playing together and were great friends although love began for them to. Lin had to go away to boarding school. Jared never understood why her family would not allow his family to help them but Pride stood in their way thus causing Lin to have to leave. Jared went through the phases but not once did he give his heart to anyone sex was just that. He never cared about pleasuring the woman only his own pleasure.
One night while out he ends up in a strip club and who does he run into? Lin. Things spiral from that moment and Jared is determined to never lose Lin again but many things stand in his way. Can he take back the one who has always had his heart? I loved this story !!

Goodreads Book Link


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