Book: Summer
Angel: A Summer Spirit Novella
Author: Samantha
Publication Date: 3/10/2015
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars
One of my favorite
authors of Dark and Twisted books has now stepped into the paranormal genre.
Let me say this
was a fantastic short book about Light and Dark Guardian Angels.
Charlie is turning
18 and his parents want to take one vacation together before they lose their
son. While at the airport Charlie runs into Clarisse. Well things go weird from
that point.
Charlie is thrust
into the realm where guardian angels and Fate and Destiny rule things.
In the end Charlie must chose his fate. What does he choose?
This was a really
good short story and I myself love anything to do with angels and paranormal.
Way to go Samantha
Jacobey you have managed to step into the world of paranormal with ease. Can’t
wait to see what you give us next.
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