Book: Dark Angel
Author: Samantha
Publication Date: 6/26/2015
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars
This is the next
part of Charlie and Clarisse’s story. Although now that Clarisse gave up her
Angel status she has taken over the life of a female named Donna. However, the
Keeper and Darkness refuse to allow this to be. They are demanding that
Clarisse return to their world. In order to do this though there are many
things that must take place. Clarisse of course will need to die again, she
will need to leave the person she loves very much.
Will Charlie let
her go? Or will he fight the Keeper and Fates?
Will Clarisse
except what she learns about Charlie?
I would highly
suggest you read book 1 in this series. We have Angels light and dark, Keepers,
Fates and Destiny. A very well written
book that has suspense, heartbreak and leaves you hanging.
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