Book: Black Hills
Angel (Black Hills #1)
Author: A.C.
Publication Date: 12/10/2013
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 4 Stars
New to me author.
We have Andy a
young mother who is struggling all alone with her very young daughter Harper.
One morning while running late to work anything that could go wrong does. Into
the hallway walks her guardian angel his name is Matt. No he is not really her
guardian angel but she looks at him that way. Their relationship is slow to
grow but when it does it's truly heartwarming. Matt is determined Andy will be
his and when he says his he means forever. But there are secrets Andy is
holding and until she finally opens up they can not move forward. Throw in
Secrets and a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and wow what a story. I really enjoyed this
story and hope to read more in this series. It was a wonderful romance story.
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