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Review - 4 Stars - Ecstasy Unbound (Guardians of the Realms #1) by Setta Jay

Book: Ecstasy Unbound (Guardians of the Realms #1)
Author: Setta Jay
Publication Date: 1/29/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 4 Stars

In this book we have guardian bad boys. All of which are gods of one form or another. The leader Uri and his brothers frequent a specific bar for women mostly humans. But he is wanting another who is forbidden from him or is she? Alexandria needs someone to help her and she knows Uri will be who can achieve what she needs. Can she get his help?
We have so many immortals, humans and gods / goddesses I am not sure which I preferred. The book was good and the characters were strong and tons of hotness , some action also.

I borrowed this book from Netgalley.

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