Audible Book: Edge
of Danger: Deadly Ops, Book 4
Author: Katie Reus
Narrated By: Sophie
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars
never ending! "
Would you consider
the audio edition of Edge of Danger to be better than the print version?
I love print
equally but wow, the audio edition was fantastic. The narrator / voice was spot
on in bringing this story to life.
What was one of
the most memorable moments of Edge of Danger?
When the team
along with Karen are trying to get Burkhart on their side. Tucker is determined
to get his team back in good standings.
What does Sophie
Eastlake bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the
She brings the
story to life. Each character is like right in front of you or talking to you.
If you were to
make a film of this book, what would the tag line be?
Deadly Ops
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