

Release Blitz - Angels Of The Fallen Book Of Samyaza The Watchers Creed By P.T. Macias

Hot New Release 11.15.15
Angels Of The Fallen Book Of Samyaza
The Watchers Creed By P.T. Macias

The pure exhaustion of eternal punishment as a fallen has left our sexy but naughty angel, Samyaza, desperate for companionship…desperate to be set free and only you hold the key.
What would you give for one night of unbridled passion? Samyaza gave his life, his freedom…everything. After thousands of years of pain and punishment the fallen one thought he’d seen it all...not even close.
Now evil threatens the world and the Watchers are our only hope. Falling from grace was easy, eternal suffering has become common place, wishing for death an everyday occurrence but when faced with a chance for redemption Samyaza fears he could fail.
His test for heavenly grace comes in the form of a beautiful, confident, modern woman who captures the fallen one heart and soul.
Strength he has. Faith in the God that sentenced him to a life in chains he holds close but all may be lost with just one look from this very special woman.
With his life, his soul and his heart on the line, can Samayza save the world or destroy it?
The Watchers are waiting, wanting…needing you. It’s time to live life on the dark side.
Time is running out. Evil forces threaten the very survival of the human race. Our only hope…The Watchers.
The fate of humanity lies in the hands of these twelve stunningly sexy, sinful fallen angels.
Only destiny knows if they will save us or doom to hell.

Here's a little nibble! Oh yeah!
“Ok, Yazy, take off that jacket and walk into the shower stall. The water should be nice and warm. You’ll love it!”
Samyaza raises his eyebrows, looking at the water spraying from the shower head. He looks at the steam swirling around.
He shrugs his shoulders and the jacket falls off his shoulders and slides down his wounds. He winces and closes his eyes. He takes in a sharp breath.
“What’s wrong?”
Crystal quickly steps around him to look at his back. She gasps, outraged, and her color drains from her face.
“Omg! What did they do to you! Your flesh is totally shredded. How in the world have you been able to tolerate the pain?”
Samyaza clenches his jaw and turns around to look at her. He narrows his eyes and nods.
“Sweet Crystal, I’ll be much better as soon as I eat a meal. I would heal quicker if I have more blood.”
He watches her closely, watching her pale complexion.
“Yazy, are you serious! Look at your back!”
She points to the mirror, frowning, and turns him around.
Samyaza turns around and looks into the large bathroom mirror.
He frowns, and nods. He closes his eyes.
Yes, that’s what flogging does to you but I’ll be ok. I understand why she’s so upset. I need to convince her that I’m going to be ok.
He opens his eyes and gazes into her eyes. He raises both hands and rests them on her trembling shoulders.
“Sweet Crystal, please believe in what I’m going to tell you. Remember that I’m an angel. Well, a fallen angel, and most important immortal. That means that I usually regenerate but I was without sustenance for such a long time that my energy is depleted. I need nourishment or blood to boost my energy. My body will regenerate soon as I have the power that I need.”
He looks deeply into her beautiful hazel eyes, reaching her soul.
She blinks rapidly and her tears fall down her face. She shakes her head, trying to understand what he told her.
“Yazy, I don’t understand how someone could hurt you so. It’s too painful to see. I hurt for you.”
Her tears continue to fall down her face and he pulls her into his arms.
“My sweet Crystal, please don’t shed your tears for me. I don’t deserve your tears. I promise you that I’m going to be ok.”
She buries her face into his sculpted chest. She rests her hands on his waist, sobbing. A few seconds later she pulls back to look up at him and blinks rapidly.
“Yazy, take more of my blood. I don’t mind. Please.”
Samyaza raises his black eyebrow and his violet eyes glow.
“Sweetness, are you sure? I don’t want to hurt or scare you.”

Book Sentences
“My sweet Crystal, please don’t shed your tears for me."
"I don’t deserve your tears."
"Yes, she’s mine and I’m hers. Our heart and souls are one."
"I feel her desire but I want to have her love."
"I love how he makes me feel so beautiful and sexy."
"You will live and you will love again."
“Sweetness, you’re pure heaven.”
“No, the Watchers don’t have wings but the other ranking angels do.”
“Master, you need not worry. I can take care of Shasi.”
“Master, this thing roars!”
“Oh, but you don’t have wings or do you?”
“I can’t. I don’t babysit.”
"Don’t antagonize her because I’m not responsible for her actions.”

The Watchers, fallen angels are waiting, wanting…needing you. It’s time to live life on the dark side.
The Watchers, fallen angels are waiting, wanting…needing you. It’s time to live life on the dark side.
The pure exhaustion of eternal punishment as a fallen has left our sexy but naughty angel, Samyaza, desperate for companionship…desperate to be set free and only you hold the key.
Time is running out. Evil forces threaten the very survival of the human race. Our only hope…The Watchers.
The fate of humanity lies in the hands of these twelve stunningly sexy, sinful fallen angels.
Only destiny knows if they will save us or doom to hell.
Falling from grace was easy, eternal suffering has become common place, wishing for death an everyday occurrence but when faced with a chance for redemption these fallen angels take it.
Evil is everywhere. The fate of the world is in the balance. There's nowhere to turn. God's fallen are our only hope. Prayer won't save us...it's up to the Watchers.
Can her love and her tears be enough to save him?
She's ready to save Samyaza!
Can she save him from his past, sins, and tribulations?
Come on over to the dark side and play with the fallen angels, The Watchers.
They're hot, so hot!! Scorching hot!! Very, very naughty!!
Sexy as HELL!! Hmmm.......Evil? You Gotta meet all twelve angels!
There are evil forces that threaten humanity. Time is running out!
Can the angels save the world from evil?
Samyaza is hot, sexy and naughty angel! He's fallen out of grace and is in eternal punishment! He's so tired of being confined and punished. He wants out!

Enjoy the trailer!
You'll love it!

Release Date 2.1.15

Angels Of The Fallen Book Of Azazel
Azazel endures thousands of years in utter darkness and isolation in atonement for his sin.
Cryssi fears being alone with her demons, living a living hell. She runs to her twin for help, trying to save her soul, unaware that she’s running to her angel.
The ominous Dark Prince imminent plans for humanity provides an opportunity for Azazel to gain his freedom. Azazel works to save humanity and his true mate from evil and hell.
The Watchers, fallen angels faction race against time to save humanity.

P.T. Macias (Patricia), resides in Sacramento, California with her loving husband, children, and family. She adores her four beautiful grandchildren. She was born and raised in San Jose, California.
Patricia loves going on cruises and to concerts, white peaches, pistachio ice cream, and margaritas. She’s an avid reader and enjoys reading romance, paranormal, intrigue, suspense thrillers.
Patricia loves the paranormal genre. She finds this genre an exciting challenge and enjoys writing about sexy vhampiers, werewolves, dragons, and other entities. Her greatest thrill in writing the paranormal genre is the limitless range of characteristics, powers, and weaknesses available to develop the characters' and entities' realms.
A Tempest Of Love, Steamy Romance, Paranormal Intrigue, And Suspense!
Paranormal bad boys are hot, wild, and full of suspense! These sexy men will seize your soul and your heart.
You will LOVE these amazing paranormal hot tales that are packed with suspense, intrigue, and a delightful dose of sensual romance.
These sexy stories will leave you breathless ……………wanting a HOT BAD BOY OF YOUR OWN!
Hold him close, hold him tight, and never let him go! Leaves You Wanting More!
Paranormal Romance Suspense Thriller

De La Cruz Saga Series
Razer 8
Tequila 10
Secret Sexy Passions
Alpha Shifters Love
Romancing Shifters Paranormal Fantasy
The Watchers Creed

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