Title: Mama Katerina
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal
Series: The Craft Society of Divination
Release Date: February 19, 2016
Cover: Redbird Designs
Book I
At a very young age, Katerina Deshion became the Chosen One–leader of the Society of Divination and their covens. With this title came great responsibility and sacrifice. If only foreshadowing were part of her innate powers.
Temptation comes knocking on her door in the form of Xavian. A true-life Angel. A moment of weakness changes Katerina’s life forever.
Will Katerina’s power be enough to save their son’s life or will Xavian be successful in his never-ending quest?

“Mother,” Evian stated curtly, trying to regain some semblance of control of his erratic heart rate. “Son,” she responded just as curtly. She’s going to dish it as well as he gave it, he thought to himself. “I just left Auntie Vivi’s, and I can’t say that I’m all too pleased with what she told me,” Evian stated, trying not to allow his mind to drift too far away from his purpose. He didn’t want to dwell on the pain of what his aunt had revealed. “I can’t say that I am all that pleased that your auntie chose to share what was not hers to share,” his mother stated in response. “How is it that you have a belief that this was not hers to share? How is it that you actually believe that I didn’t have a right to know . . . to understand? Are you really that cold and unfeeling?” Evian asked, knowing that the fire was building within. A fire that was causing his mind to dwell on the heartache her coldness made him feel. He tried to squelch the fire within and returned his focus to his true reason for being there. She spoke before he could continue. “I have taken certain . . . liberties in my life . . . and with your life. Such things I don’t feel obligated to explain because every choice that I made was for the betterment of our family,” she stated with an edge to her voice as she pointed between the two of them. She then leveled him with the cut of her eyes. “You think that your Auntie is telling you tidbits about yourself and our family because she wants you to better know yourself?” she asked, but it seemed to be more of a statement since she really asked as if she knew he had no rational response. The question was there, but it was spoken with such distaste and annoyance that Evian couldn’t possibly know if he should attempt to actually answer or not. He warred with himself. If he came up with a response, would it be enough to have his mother thrown off by it? Would it be enough to warrant his frustration or wipe the all-knowing look off of her face? His internal battle continued. After a couple moments of silence, she lifted her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders. This was always a signifier that she was waiting with not-so-bated breath for his reply, but was also preparing to move on to another subject or dismiss him. Evian decided for the fight versus flight approach. “She has been the one that picked up the broken pieces of me when you were too busy to do it,” he seethed. He felt the flames of fury being fanned and with that feeling came a more callous attitude. Evian began not to care that Katerina was his mother or that they were two sides of the same coin. “Just how do you think she came to be the person who was there to put those ‘pieces’ together? Did you ever see her going off to work? Did you ever see her taking care of the menial day-to-day tasks like grocery shopping? Paying the bills? Shopping for your clothing? Schoolbooks? Did you ever see her personally take you to any appointment? Or game for that matter? Was she ever on the sidelines cheering you on? Did she ever have the conversations that made you the man that you have become?” she sat, finally, as if she were exhausted from having a conversation that she’d had countless times before. Could it be possible that she may have thought on this conversation happening between the two of them? No. That wasn’t possible. His mother was just that in name only. “The question or questions should be did I see you doing any of those things,” Evian threw the words at his mother with all of the resentment and dejection that he felt inside.
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The Family as I see them:

Book II
Release Feb. 26, 2016
One never knows what gifts are gifted to certain individuals over others.
Vivienne Deshion is the oldest Deshion sister and should have received the “Chosen One” gift according to coven law. However, her sister, Katerina, was gifted with that power instead. Tired of being her sister’s protector, Vivienne strikes out on her own to be free of her responsibilities and live a life for herself. Her conscience gets the better of her, and she returns to step back into her ordained role . . . just in time.
Will Vivienne be able to be everything that is needed to help keep her sister safe and hold the secrets that could destroy all that is the Society?

About the Author:

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.
She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance and suspense seekers.
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