

Review - 5 Stars - The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire: Next Generation: A Son's Fate by: A K Michaels @AvaKMichaels

Book: The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire: Next Generation: A Son's Fate

Author: A K Michaels
Publication Date: 5/27/2016
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars


*May contain spoilers *

Peri, Josef and Gabe are back and their kids are all grownup although that does not deter Peri from wanting to keep them home and safe.
Joey is a pain in the rear big brother to Sister Gabby. Joey has a yearning and it will cause heartache for his family but it is something he must do.

The time comes that Joey must deal with telling his mom what he wants to do and he is shocked that both his fathers are on his side. Joey hates to leave his family and his sister Gabby and asks his best friend Jenson.

Gabby took after her mother and is learning all about being a witch, However Joey took after Gabe and it is all about the wolf for him.
His goal is to do what his father could not but can he?
Will Joey become all he was meant to be?

I truly enjoyed this story. I have loved this series and now to see the kids all grownup was wonderful to read.

I was gifted this book for my honest review.

Goodreads Book Link


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