

Review - 5 Stars - Holiday Spice & Everything Nice @DianeRinella @Claudyconn @AutMelanieJames @JenTheRiot @

Book: Holiday Spice & Everything Nice
Author: Claudy Conn ,Melanie James, Gina Kincade, Nicole Garcia, Nikki Lynn Barrett , Teri Riggs , Diane Rinella, Jennifer Theriot , Ever Coming, Riley Murphy, Aubree Lane , Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough , Kiki Howell
Publication Date: 11/7/2016
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars

I am adding a review for four books in this set as I have read/reviewed previously. I am sure you will enjoy every story in this box set.

ClaudyConn - Collide& Burn
This was truly a romance. Wade Devon is a ruthless millionaire who has never wanted any type of relationship with any woman aside from one or maybe 2 nights. When Wade decides to buy a horse farm while in town laughter catches his ear, the woman who made the laugh catches his eye and more. Charlie is happy she gets to stay on the farm although sadden that her parents are selling it and moving away. She can't wait to meet the mysterious man who has purchased the farm or can she? Once Charlie's eyes land on Wade all bets are off and keeping her heart in tack well she isn't sure how she will manage. Very sweet romance that was not rushed.
I read this book in the Mischief Under the Mistletoe bundle.

Melanie James- Snowflakes, Exes, & Ohs
Snowflakes, Exes, and Ohs by Melanie James
Dylan and Abbie were a couple all through high school and had planned to marry. But as life often does things get in the way mainly Dylan’s need to not be tied down in a small town so he is off to the Navy and when he returns after something tragic happens he finds more than he bargained for. Can Abbie forgive him? Can he forgive himself?
Let me say I have read many books actually all books written thus far by this author and none tore my emotions wide open as this book did. You will go from crying literally to anger, to shock and surprise. Wow talk about a roller coaster ride. I loved it I truly loved it.
This book was part of a book bundle I purchased.

Diane Rinella - It's A Marshmallow World
I listened to this book on Audible. This book is about a young woman who is given a gem of sorts by her grandmother and wow what a gem it is. This story is light paranormal and all about romance and rock & roll I enjoyed it very much.

Jennifer Theriot - Unwrapping Noel
This is a fantastic love story.
We have Noel who is a public relations specialist. She has done very well for herself. Noel had a crap marriage though and finally divorced her husband Dave after 13 years of marriage. But he reeled her back in at least to get her help after being diagnosed with cancer. Do you think that changed him? Nope think again but finally Noel opens her eyes to the horrible man she was once married to. Noel hates the Christmas holidays and it just gets worse for her. She has never really felt that she was sexy or attractive.
Noels dear friend Tony is getting married so Noel is off to California and with some luck have some fun.
Well as they say when you are not looking. While in California, she attends a meeting with Tony and some others to discuss a new project. Little does she know her life and heart is about to change thanks to one Mr. Leon Hallas the trainer / business partner of Tonys that is if ex-husband Dave don't mess it up.
Again very well written and truly a romantic story. I enjoyed it very much.
I read this book in the boxed set Mischief Under the Mistletoe

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