

Author Interview with Angie Fox

20 Questions
(Author Interviews)

Brought to you by
Debby P. and Book Nook Nuts

1.Tell us about your current project.
I just finished writing SWEET TEA AND SPIRITS, which is book 5 in the Southern Ghost Hunter mysteries. The books are about a good, Southern girl who dumps out a dirty old vase onto her rose bushes. Only it's not a vase, it's an urn. And she's just grounded the spirit of a 1920's gangster onto her property. When she tells him she's moving due to money problems, he offers to help uncover a forgotten stash of loot, and thus the adventures begin...

2. What sparked the idea for this project?
I wanted to write something Southern, quirky, and fun--but with a "real" heroine who is kind and friendly, whose power comes from her choices and not necessarily because of some supernatural gift.

2a: When can we expect to see this project?
The first book, SOUTHERN SPIRITS, is actually free right now on all the ebook vendors. Come and get it while it lasts!

3.  How do you choose your book covers?
I've had the same cover artist for my entire career. She did the cover for my first book with Dorchester publishing, THE ACCIDENTAL DEMON SLAYER, and I've had her written into contracts with later traditional publishers and now I use her for my indie novels as well. 

4. Music seems to influence a lot of authors, what are your musical influences, if any?
I don't have any music that influences my work, but I do like to listen to Johnny Cash while I do the work. Does that count?

5. How do you handle "writers block"?
By taking a reading break. I find that if I don't push it, the words come back.

6. Who has been your greatest influence?
My father, who was a professional illustrator. He taught me that you can make a great living and have a lot of fun working in the arts.

7. Do you or have you ever had a muse?
Does my dog, Moxie, count? She makes me smile and we do take frequent writing breaks so I can pet her and think about a particular book. I'm sure it's all selfless on her part.

8. What one subject is TABOO in your writing?
I wouldn't tolerate any kind of animal abuse.

9. What do you do when you aren't writing?
My daughter and I are currently learning how to knit. So far, she's way better at it than I am, but I'm practicing every day. I also love to read, take long walks, practice yoga, cook, and travel.

10. If there was one book you wish you'd written, which would it be?
The Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters. I love that book and the entire Amelia Peabody series.

11. What is your greatest passion?
Writing. I absolutely love it.

12. What one word best describes you?
Friendly. I always want to make people smile.

13. If you could change places with one of your characters, would you? 
Heck, no. I wouldn't last five minutes in one of my books.

14. Is there one, current, tv show that is "can't miss" for you? 
I really like Timeless.

15. Money is no object, where do you go? 
Australia, baby! I've always wanted to go.

16. Tell me, please, the first two books on your TBR list.  
Scene of the Grind by Tonya Kappes, and Murder at Lowry House by Leighann Dobbs

17. How do you choose character names? 
This is going to sound hokey, but characters name themselves. 

17a: Are you any of your characters inspired by someone you know in "real life?" 
Actually, no. My characters are people I'd like to meet.

18. Tell us one thing we may not know about you. 
I'm the person who can't sing at all, but loves to sing karaoke anyway. 

19. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A writer of many things.

20. Of the 7 Deadly Sins, which one have you committed most recently?
Does having homemade strawberry cheesecake for breakfast this morning count as gluttony? It was really good. 

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