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Book Reviewed: My Fated Valentine My Rating: 5 Stars @JuliaMills623 @cgor22

Book Reviewed: My Fated Valentine
My Rating: 5 Stars
Authors: Julia Mills, P. Mattern, Amanda Kimberley, P.T. Macias, C.D. Gorri, Josette Reuel, Heather Kirchhoff, Connie Hunter, Jolie Banner,
S.E. Isaac, Ava Lynn Wood, Mana Moonchild, J.K. Hawkins, Jamie Lynne Boothe
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts

I am posting a review for a few of the books in this set.

Kissing Cupid by Julia Mills
Too funny this one is..
We get a Fairy.. Actually she is The Fairy Extrodainaire Krissy. At two hundred years old one would think marriage would have happened but it hasn't. Why not?
Well the man she loves more than life is none other than
Cupid the God of Love. Love? Ha if that man knew what love was..Well that is Krissy' thoughts.
This is a short but too dang cute and sexy book.
For a good short read pick it up so you can giggle along.

The Dragon's Heart by C.D. Gorri
This is another Faulk brothers story and wow it's a good one.
Edric was scorned many many years ago and his heart no longer wants to find a mate or love or any of that nonsense.. That is until...
Joselyn is a witch without a coven for protection and protection she will need but is it for the reasons she thinks?
Well grab your copy and read this delightfully sexy short read.

Kiss of a Vampire by S.E. Isaac
This is one of the books in the box set My Fated Valentine.
This is a sexy and action packed short story.
We get a variety of Paranormal beings but the story focus' on a shifter and a vamp. Both of which should be sworn enemies however fate will not have it.
I would have loved for this book to be longer as the story just pulled me in. I hope you enjoy it also.

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