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5 Star Book Review - Lunar Rising


Book: Lunar Rising
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy - Book Nook Nuts

I am leaving my review for
Jude by N. Gray

Jude leaves the warehouse they guard for the Vampire Leon.
He was only joking with Flynn about falling and not being found but...
While going down the same path Flynn and Penn had taken he finds himself involved in some very potent power. He feels it on his arm hairs and it's off but powerful.

He makes a call to Flynn and lets him know he has found something but he isn't sure he will make it back... What the heck...
Blue Wolves? these wolves were nothing like the werewolves back at his house. Jude finds himself surrounded by various creatures and not all are bad but they are under her power... the one who wanted him for his inner beast. Well come on Empress and get this kitty... hehe loved this story! Very well written and you never know what will happen next.

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