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5 Star Book Review - Spring Fling by C.D. Gorri, P. Mattern


Book: Spring Fling
Author: C.D. Gorri, P. Mattern
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy - Book Nook Nuts

Shelly and Gabe' story was filled with mystery and tons of laughter to boot.
Shelly works for a newspaper but she hates her job, so decides to go to her happy place... The Zoo...
If only her editor Brandon wasn't the one to take her there.
Brandon is obnoxious and can't take no for answer until...
Gabe is the chief zoologist, and he knows immediately who Shelly is to him...Now to get her, and get her to accept what he really is.
Full of twists and turns, and plenty of animals who join in the antics to get the bad guy.
Enjoyed this story!

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