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5 Star Book Review - Tiger Denied: An Island Stripe Pride Tale by C.D. Gorri


Book: Tiger Denied: An Island Stripe Pride Tale
Author: C.D. Gorri
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy - Book Nook Nuts


Carter left her because her father planted ugly thoughts in his head about the woman Toni whom he knows is his mate. 

Toni knows Carter is hers, but she needs to protect her family from her father. 

Carter is back in town, and yes his woman is still there... Will she have him now? Will the past haunt them?

Well this bunny is finally free to have her tiger and have him she will. 

The chemistry was spot-on with this couple. And the tenderness Carter shows Toni is drool-worthy. Very well written. 

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