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5 Star Book Review - The Good Wife by Ellery A. Kane


Book: The Good Wife
Author: Ellery A. Kane
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy - Book Nook Nuts

Cassie and Theo have the perfect family, the perfect life...
Cassie overworks, and Theo is a stay-at-home dad and ex-rock star.
The past is about to explode their happy family and the whodunit is anyone's guess.
A childhood friend makes her move on Theo, A neighbor who likes to follow everyone's moves, and a cheating husband might be the breaking point. Or is it when your husband is accused of a murder that breaks you?
Excellent thriller and I had no clue who did what till almost the end.
I love this author's stories!

My husband has been accused of something terrible. But what I’m about to do is much worse…

I’m sick to my stomach when I hear about the young woman found dead outside my husband’s music studio the night of our wedding anniversary. She and Theo were close, so when the police knock on the door as our daughter sleeps peacefully upstairs, I think they’re just trying to rule him out. But then I see the panicked look in his eyes…

“That’s not possible. I just saw her—”. I watch my perfect husband freeze. Just moments earlier, he had told the cops he hadn’t seen her. Why is he changing his story?

Most women would leave him—take their child and run for the hills. But I won’t. Theo and I have been together a long time. I know his secrets. And he knows mine… well, most of them. I’m the best lawyer in this town and I’m his only chance. I will defend him, whatever the cost.

As the police begin to pick apart our relationship, they don’t paint a pretty picture, and even some of our so-called friends begin to tell stories. My whole life has been a lie.

Can I really trust the man I love?

And when push comes to shove, can he trust me?

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