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5 Star Book Review - Pitiful Lies (Jersey Bad Boys Book 3)by C.D. Gorri


Book: Pitiful Lies (Jersey Bad Boys Book 3)
Author: C.D. Gorri
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy - Book Nook Nuts

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We have met Angel and Giselle in the previous books in this series.
Giselle is one tough cookie, but underneath all that she may be just what Angel really wants.

Angel knows he can have his pick of women he is a viper, an Enforcer. He is tall, dark, and handsome to many women.
But he doesn't want some Barbie doll… oh no not this man he wants her. His Koukla.
But now he has to go and bring her back…

She thought there was more until she walked into the Den and saw something that had her leaving her best friend, as fast as she could…
Giselle has a lot to work out, she doesn't have great self-esteem now either after what she witnessed.

Will Angel get his Giselle before the other big bad wolves can?

We get tons of action, and many surprises I have enjoyed this entire series but by far this was my favorite.

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