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5 Star Book Review - My Missing Daughter by Ellery A. Kane


Book: My Missing Daughter
Author: Ellery A. Kane
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy - Book Nook Nuts

This author always gives a gripping tale and oh yeah this book grips you till the end. And if you think you figured it out early on in the story who did it well think again. Two friends or who used to be. Did one or both turn bad?
A road trip is in the works to bring them closer together again so they can finish up a story they are writing however… what happens when the story mimics the life you are leading?

Will Tracy, and Candice find their daughters before the unthinkable happens…
What happens when Amelia the daughter of Candice returns but not Willow…

Well grab a copy and find out. The story did start a bit slower than this author's other stories but when it gets going it really gets going.

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