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5 Star Book Review - House of Chaos by J.C. McKenzie


Book: House of Chaos
Author: J.C. McKenzie
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy - Book Nook Nuts

I enjoyed The House of Night but House of Chaos will blow you away...
We get the granddaughter of Taya and Thane and she is one tough female. Thea is a scout, and she is out searching for answers, and also her missing scouts. She is kidnapped more or less by Ares.
Ares has always admired Thea. This female though isn't buying anything he spouts from his mouth. However she is determined to see things through. These two take us on one heck of a rollercoaster ride into another realm and time. Can they survive? And will Thea give in to her feelings for Ares? Can they get back to Earth unscathed?

Fantastic story and I am hoping there will be more.

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