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5 Star Book Review - Can't Stop-Creaton & Briar by Claudy Conn


Book: Can't Stop-Creaton & Briar
Author: Claudy Conn
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy - Book Nook Nuts

The attraction between Briar and Jonas started the moment she landed literally on her butt in front of him.
Briar left her world, her mother had told her of a wonderful human world and place so she is determined.
Jonas wants to know all about Briar and hopefully, she will tell him the truth.
Jonas was hurt horribly by a past relationship so he is cautious. But this wolf wants his dragon.

Brax and Cassie are in with Jonas and Briar to stop whatever foulness has entered the town. Does it have something to do with Briar's father? we shall see.
I love the strength and love between this couple.
Can Briar escape the crazy arrangement her father made and be with the man who has her heart... Another exciting and well-written story by this author.

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