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Review - 5 Stars - The Hunt - Author Brad Stevens

Book:  The Hunt              
Author:  Brad Stevens
Publication Date:  4/10/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

For  18 yr + Readers !!!

Picture the Hunger Games with a Sadistic Twist…

This book all takes place in the future some where around  the year 2068. We have a young woman by the name of Mara Gorki who is an Author living in the U.K. after a war had broken out by woman activists and the government changing the rules. Women have NO rights. Yuke is her lover and they must hide this as this is also not allowed and punishable by the government. When Mara writes she now has to publish in the US as nothing she writes is allowed to be produced in her own country. A US journalist comes to visit Mara her name is Catherine Darden and she witnesses for herself some of the ungodly treatment towards women. All women 18 years and older must wear uniforms at all times when out of their homes. If they are caught wearing anything else they are punished severely.

The Hunt:
It’s an event held for 10 men and 10 women. It’s basically a battle of wits I’ll call it but its torturous to the women involved.  If the women are captured the Male can do what he pleases within guidelines set down by the British Government.  Very EXTREME scenes !!

Mara’s worse nightmare has come true and she must report to THE HUNT.

Can she survive it? She has heard so many horror stories.
What will become of her? What of the other women who are there the same day as she?

This book is very well written and it’s a first read for me by the Author. I will say its not for the mild at heart however as the scenes/abuse between the Women and Men are extreme.  The story flows very smoothly from one chapter to the next. 

A very good book well worth the read and well worth the 5 stars I have given it !!!!!

Review copy provided by:  Gifted copy provided to me by the Author for my honest review
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