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Review - 5 Stars - Cupid's Heart: A Roman God Romance by Nicole Garcia

Book: Cupid's Heart: A Roman God Romance      
Author: Nicole Garcia
Publication Date: coming soon
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

Cupid the God of Love has fallen head over heels in love with Valentina. But he wont reveal that to her for many reasons One something horrible happened over 25 years ago and he has no plans of ever going through that again.

Somnus the god of sleep is one of his closest and dearest friends up in Olympus.  Somnus is determined to see to it that his friend Cupid finds and has the love he so desires.

Many things unfold and Cupid finds himself holding Valentina’s hand and from that moment on he knows he lost.

Can anything change Cupids mind about him telling Valentina who he is and how he truly feels?
Will Valentina return his feelings?

And what bout the issue of him being a God and her a mere Human?

Well grab your copy and read this fantastic, romantic, some what funny and exciting book !!!

Review copy provided by: ARC provided to me by the Author for my Honest Review

Buy Links- Coming Soon
B & N:  
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/404759

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