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Review - A Valentine's Surprise by Melanie James

Book: A Valentine’s Surprise  
Author:  Melanie James
Publication Date: 2/1/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

Brand New Author and Brand New Book and It simply ROCKS

We have Adam Jennings a young guy / cop who has been raising his sister Jenny for about 10 years since the death of their parents by a drunk driver.  Adam and his partner and best friend Jake are out on beat one morning and stop to grab some coffee but something just isn’t right.  After entering the store shots ring out and Adam has been hit and of course all goes dark for him. A nurse named Amanda who is young doesn’t believe in the hype of Valentine’s Day. She has spent most of her life caring for her ailing parents who both now have passed on.  She has never dated really.

Enter one sexy injured cop who is going to sweep her right off her feet J
And that’s all I am giving you as I don’t want to give it all away ..Go buy this short but OH so sexy and HOT book and read for yourself.

The book is well written, the story line flows very smoothly, Its very tastefully written.

Review copy provided by: ARC provided to me by the Author for my Honest Review

Buy Links
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1fiVVg9
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1nzgT0l
Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/1fHCWfG
Nook - http://bit.ly/1gAThHO

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