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Review - 4 Stars - Fierce by Clarissa Wild

Book:  Fierce
Author:  Clarissa Wild
Publication Date:  1/25/2014
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 4 Stars


This book was a first for me by this Author.

The story was ok, it didn't grab on to me but I did finish it.

The fight scenes were ok, The way Hunter defends Autumn is wonderful. 

In this story we have Autumn Blakewood a good girl who loves to read. She is now in college and sharing her dorm room with Evie her friend who ends up wanting in her bed. Her best friend is now a druggie and it has really  upset  Autumn.

On top of all that she now has the hots for the bad boy at school Hunter Bane.  Hunter has a lot of baggage and he is a fighter but he also seems to have a heart and a soft side that is pulling Autumn In.

Can these 2 help fix each other?
Grab your copy to find out . 

Review copy provided by:  Complimentary Copy  provided  by the Author to me for my honest review

Buy Links
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1iqi2rj
B & N:  http://bit.ly/1cMyie8

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