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Review - Tropic of Trouble - Wynter Daniels

Book:  Tropic of Trouble
Author:  Wynter Daniels
Publication Date: 5/11/2012
Reviewed by:  Tammy Payne - http://booknooknuts.blogspot.com/
My Rating: 5 Stars

In this story we have Kelsey Ackerman who is a used bookstore owner. Kelsey has a rare book which she believes to be worth millions and she is waiting to hear back from her contact with the information. The book was in a one of many book totes that a good friend of hers named Jenna  and her brother Jason Jones brought in.  In the mean time she has a bad feeling since the older woman she has closing up the bookstore for her has not phoned her. Kelsey makes her way down to the store and finds it dark and then her worst nightmare begins.

When the call comes in Jason hears it and is determined to save Kelsey no matter that she doesn't want a man.

Can Jason win Kelseys heart?
Can they escape this crazed killer?

Pick up your copy .. The book is fantastically written and has a ton of HOT , Steamy , Passion and loads of Action..

Review copy provided by: Paperback provided by Author

Buy Links
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1fXo8aA
B & N:  http://bit.ly/1fXnYAj

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