Book: Saving Private Blue
Author: Nicole Garcia
Publication Date: June
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars
This is a short
but sweet romance story.
Savannah grew up
being bullied in school being called many names. The only 2 people who came to
her rescue were brothers Billy and Travis. These 3 were inseparable but Billy
and Savannah fell in love. Billy has now
joined the Army and is being deployed to Afghanistan. He loves Savannah enough that he does not
want her to be hurt if something were to happen to him so he lies to her.
And those lies
setup a lot of heartache for Savannah and its brother Travis who is asked to
try to pickup those pieces of her broken heart but can he?
After 4 years away
Billy is back and things are forever changed for this man who went off to fight
for the freedom of his fellow Americans.
Can hearts be
repaired? Does true love win in the end?
Grab your copy and
find out !!!
I was given a
Complimentary copy of this book for my honest review
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B & N:
Wow! ...Really sounds great! Can't wait to read this one!